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In the complex and fast-paced modern business world, you need an advanced set of treasury solutions to keep your information secure, increase your operational efficiency, and improve your cash flow. Read more on how treasury solutions can help improve your productivity and simplify workflow. In the...
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A vigilant remote work policy is the only way to safeguard your at-home employees from cybersecurity threats. While we’ve learned the value of remote and hybrid work over the past few years, we’ve also identified the pain points. Outside the office, your employees, their data, and your business...
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The future looks bright for American manufacturing, and this rings especially true for companies planning to reshore or nearshore their manufacturing facilities. Reshoring manufacturing can help rebuild America’s once-buzzing industry. Learn more on what you can expect and what reshoring can do for...
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Primary Source of Fraud: Business Email Comprise Email communication plays a major role in how many businesses conduct their daily operations. Fraudsters continue to adapt their business email compromise (or “BEC”) schemes, as well. While they may target an entire organization, they often focus...
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Fraudsters Continue to Target Check Payments A large majority of organizations are still using checks for outgoing payments and checks continue to be the primary target of payments fraud. Without preventative measures in place, every check payment could be exposing an organization to fraud. AFP...
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Quarterly Market Review: Q2 2023 By: Paul Dickson, Director of Research and Giri Krishnan, Senior Portfolio Manager An Unsinkable Economy? A tight labor market and continued high consumer demand appear to have staved off a recession – possibly until 2024 (if even then). This resilience has meant...
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The Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) measures how much time it takes for your business to convert inventory or other resources into cash from sales. Creating efficiencies with the CCC is one way to increase working capital without generating additional revenue. There are three important factors that...
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Quarterly market review: Q1 2023 By: Paul Dickson, Director of Research and Mark Stevens, Chief Investment Officer Staying the Course Speculation that the Federal Reserve will reverse course in its battle against inflation or change its policy target to a higher one is likely misplaced. A recession...
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The economic forecast may be uncertain, but preparing for potentially inflated rates is the smartest course of action. Liquidity management is a lot of work, but the benefits can help your business thrive rather than survive. Learn more about how you can keep your business afloat in every season. A...
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The nursing profession is currently undergoing massive changes—and there are some telling nursing industry trends from this past year that point toward more changes and opportunities on the horizon. Learn more about the nursing industry as we take an overview of its state in 2022. Nursing is one of...
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The Covid-19 pandemic—a rare black swan event—was the catalyst that created a logistics nightmare. This past summer, Congress stepped in and passed the Ocean Shipping Reform Act (OSRA 22) to prevent another such crisis from occurring in the future. Learn more about OSRA 22 and what it means for your...
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Skyrocketing demand trends during the Covid-19 pandemic—coupled with rampant labor shortages and bottlenecked supply chains—strangled the logistics industry. As people locked themselves inside during the early pandemic, eCommerce took off—but the pivot caught businesses by surprise. It was a mass...