Blog Post
Keep your A-team on board! Dive into these proven retention strategies in professional services and cultivate a workforce that thrives. Due to factors like economic uncertainty, a shift to remote work, and early retirement, service-based companies have a new incredibly high turnover rate of 13.4%...
Blog Post
As 2024 continues on, many business leaders are looking for ways to remain resilient due to economic uncertainties. According to recent SAS data, 97% of executives view resiliency as an important factor—and 87% are confident about increasing resiliency in their companies in the future. Part of their...
Blog Post
You’ve invested countless long, hard hours in building a stable, profitable business with a bright future. But negative economic forces can strike at any time, destabilizing your finances and possibly even endangering the survival of your business. This is one of the main reasons it’s so important...
Blog Post
Once upon a time, most businesses could rely on wages and salaries to attract talented employees. Securing the services of strong candidates was often purely a question of money. But much of that has since changed—and quickly—in the post-COVID-19 hiring and retention landscape. For many job-seekers...
Blog Post
A year ago, a headline “The Recession of 2023 might surprise everyone” would have been prescient simply because it didn’t happen. On the contrary, last year showed surprising resilience and a pace of growth no one expected, despite forecasts of a slowdown or recession by most economists. 2023 was...
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The potentially transformative capabilities of advanced AI, automation, and robotics technology are ushering in a new era for manufacturing. Yet, at the same time, extracting value from the digital transformation is more complicated than it might seem. Case in point—an overwhelming 88% of companies...
Blog Post
Wondering what your aging accounts receivable report can reveal? Uncover five pivotal insights to gain a deeper understanding of your financial landscape. Before we dive into how you can use your aging AR report, let’s establish what it is and what it can tell you about your company. An aging...
Blog Post
Since the Covid-19 pandemic, we’ve witnessed a revitalization in American industrial policy. The economic ripples of the pandemic highlighted the precarious nature of long-spread supply chains and outsourced labor; now having internalized these lessons, many firms are re- or nearshoring their...
Blog Post
Streamlining payments involves refining the management of money flowing in and out of your business. It could include reassessing your payment strategy or even upgrading your treasury management solutions. When done effectively, optimizing your payment processes may improve customer experiences...
Blog Post
Manufacturing technology is quickly elevating through notable advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) devices and services. For manufacturers, the coming year may be indelibly marked by the futuristic changes these advanced technologies bring. Yet the question for...
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Going green has the potential to be a wise business decision for the manufacturing industry. In fact, it seems many manufacturers are making the jump to more sustainable processes and business operations. Traditional manufacturing processes are based on a linear model of consumption—that is, finite...
Blog Post
The fragility of global supply chains was glaringly apparent after the COVID-19 pandemic ground everything to a halt. Inadequate supply chain capacity planning caused sweeping shortages of essential goods for consumers and manufacturers alike—some of which may still stand today. Just-in-time...